Company details and information according to § 5 Abs 1 ECG:

SAVD Videodolmetschen GmbH
Geiselbergstraße 17/2/5.OG
1110 Vienna
T +43 1 332 13 05

FN 416441p at the Vienna Commercial Court
UID: ATU68715955
Responsible chamber: Vienna Chamber of Commerce.

All information published on is carefully checked for accuracy. However, innovations and new developments always result in technical and content-related changes. Liability for content that can be accessed at is excluded. The same applies to third-party content to which a link is merely established. SAVD Videodolmetschen GmbH does not adopt the respective content as its own.

Information according to § 25 Abs 2 Mediengesetz:
Object of the company: The object of the company is the provision of video interpreting services.

Managing Director: Mr. Gregory Heckl

Disclosure according to § 25 Abs 4 Mediengesetz:
This website is a communication medium and is aimed at clients and others interested in video and/or telephone interpreting.

Website, graphics and animations were created by Flora Bacher Informationsdesign.